The Oklahoma Association of Orthotics & Prosthetics annual business meeting was called to order March 10, 2012, 12:25p.m., in the conference center of the Best Western Saddleback Inn, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Attendees included, Brandon Arnette, Gary Mullins, Plaze M. Crow, Lynn Ingwerson, Thomas Ferguson, Scott Boehlke, James H. Foutch, Michael O. Fenner, Charles Nordan, Harry Layton, Jeffery Arnette, Jim Oldaker, Terry Brown, Osvaldo H. Melegatti, Harlon Compton, David Daws, Michael Arnette, and Angela Huckaby.
A motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting (May 14, 2011) was made by Brandon Arnette, second by Jim Foutch. The motion passed.
Old business:
The Oklahoma Medicare/Medicaid Orthotic and Prosthetic coverage issue is in the case study stage with no published results yet.
Jim Foutch motioned to continue Oklahoma Medicaid coverage as Association to get a bill to cover O & P, C. Ped. separate from DME, second by Lynn Ingwerson. One opposed, Brandon Arnette. The motion passed.
The merger of the Orthotic & Prosthetic Association board with the Certified Pedorthic board regarding state licensure was discussed. Harlan Compton recommended getting on the CPEDS agenda at their next meeting to present the potential advancement and unification of our industries. Mike Crow motioned to formally draft a letter to Pedorthic Association stating desire to discuss joining forces. The letter is to be read at their next meeting in April.
New business:
There is an interest to setting up more than one business meeting per year.
Jeff Arnette motioned that the acting secretary/treasurer Tom Ferguson serve another session. Vote for a POA board member was tabled, seconded by Osvaledo Melegatti. The motion passed.
Mike Fenner nominated Jim Foutch for Vice-President, seconded by Jeff Arnette. The vote passed.
POA- appointed by CMS to separately audit O & P audits apart from DME. A motioned to send certified letter expressing professional interest in a POA board to Peter Thomas, the legal liaison for the O & P Alliance Association was made by Lynn Ingwerson, second by Jim Foutch, opposed by Mike Fenner. The motion passed.
Financial report as of Feb. 11, 2012 shows a balance of $21,794.15.
A motion to purchase updated O & P and CPed. Licensure list for the state of Oklahoma was made by Mike Fenner, second by Mike Crow. The motion passed.
A motion to adjourn was made by Mike Fenner, Second Mike Crow. The motion passed. Meeting adjourned 1:30p.m.
Minutes by Angela Huckaby,
Tom Ferguson, Secretary/Treasurer